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The Choir of Boulzane was founded in 1983 and includes and includes some forty choristers that come from a 60km radius (Perpignan to Limoux) and who share the same love of music.


Through regular and intensive work, the choir achieves a choral qualtiy recognized regionally and participates regularly in choral meetings.


Its repertoire includes classical and religious music, traditional music, folklore of all countries and jazz. 


The choir performs frequently and its reputation reaches beyond the Pyrenees. Exchanges are organized with choirs from other countries. These have included Ireland, Hungary, Spain, Germany, etc. providing the opportunity to enrich the choir’s repertoire while introducing French polyphonic singing abroad.










Paul ROUSSET a réalisé un film "30 ans du Choeur"

en vente à l'issue des concerts. 20€

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Nous contacter 

04 68 59 98 14 

Siège social : Mairie 

66220 Caudiès de Fenouillèdes

adresse de gestion :
5 avenue de la gare 

SIRET 419282538 00018

RNA W662001607

APE 9499


Créé avec -©JPF

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